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Joan of Arc's Short-Lived Career as a Comedian

Joan of Arc, the legendary French heroine who fearlessly led armies and inspired nations, had a lesser-known career phase that didn't quite make it into the history books – her stint as a stand-up comedian. Yes, you read that right – the same Joan who wielded swords and carried banners also attempted to wield punchlines and carry a comedic routine. It all started one fateful evening at the local tavern in her village. Joan, feeling the need to let loose after a particularly intense session of battle planning, decided to take the stage. Clad in her armor with a microphone in hand (yes, even medieval comedians need mics), she began her act. Her opening line? "Why did the chicken cross the battlefield? To get to the other 'knight'!" A smattering of polite chuckles greeted her, but Joan wasn't satisfied. She was on a mission to conquer laughter, just as she had conquered her enemies. However, things took an unexpected turn. As Joan delved deeper into her comedic r

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